(780) 429-2330

Privacy Policy

Commitment to protection of privacy

The College of Alberta Denturists is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by individuals.  The College abides by its requirements under legislation including the Protection of Personal Information Act (PIPA). This policy has been developed to exhibit the College’s compliance with this legislation.

What is personal information?

PIPA defines personal information as the information about an identifiable individual. This type of information includes personal characteristics such as name, age, gender, home contact information, educational information, payment information and employment history.  Business contact information is distinguished from personal contact information and is not protected by PIPA.

What personal information do we collect and from whom and how?

The College of Alberta Denturists collects information that is required to carry out its functions under the Health Professions Act (HPA), the Denturists Profession Regulation, other applicable legislation, and the College Bylaws.

The College collects information from a variety of sources and includes but is not limited to applicants for registration, regulated members, examination applicants, consultants and contractors, employees and complainants and witnesses pertaining to the professional conduct process.

Examples of information that the College may collect about applicants or our members include:

  • Personal contact information
  • Information submitted through the application process which includes, but is not limited to, character references, education and examination history and criminal record checks
  • Financial information as required to facilitate payment of fees, fines, penalties, levies or assessments owing to the College
  • Information received as a result of a complaint

The College will collect this information directly from the applicant or regulated member or other individual or from a third party, if consent has been granted by the individual, or if the College is authorized by law to obtain the information indirectly. For example, the College may exercise its authority under the HPA and PIPA to collect information from third parties in the context of professional conduct proceedings.

Consent for collection of information

The College obtains consent from applicants and members to collect their personal information in most circumstances.

While the College obtains consent to collect personal information in most circumstances, PIPA allows a regulatory authority to collect personal information without consent if it is authorized or required to do so under the law.

The College will make reasonable efforts to advise individuals of the reasons for the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information, subject to the exceptions in PIPA.

How/why do we use the information?

The College collects this information to:

  • Make decisions regarding, but not limited to applications for registration, reinstatement, resignation or to sit the registration examination
  • Populate the register of members as required by legislation
  • Communicate with regulated members or other individuals about regulatory processes, requirements or obligations
  • Facilitate payment of fees, expenses, and remuneration
  • Facilitate the professional conduct process
  • To carry out the College’s other duties as specified in legislation

To whom is the information disclosed?

Personal information collected by the College is disclosed, only as required, to carry out the business of the College.  In these processes, personal information may be disclosed to College employees, College committees, external consultants or contractors, individuals, and other regulatory bodies, as required. In addition, an individual’s personal information may be disclosed by the College through:

  • Public register
  • During the course of a public hearing before the Hearing Tribunal
  • Hearing Tribunal decisions

How do we protect the privacy of the individuals of which we have personal information?

The College protects the privacy of those for which we have information through strict confidentiality and security measures.  Through training, College employees and representatives safeguard the information they come in contact with and appreciate the importance of privacy and confidentiality.

In addition, College employees, volunteers and contractors who have access to personal information are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

The College undergoes measures to ensure the security of the information our employees and representatives encounter. These include the implementation of:

  • Physical safeguards for areas in which the College possesses information
  • Technical safeguards (i.e., passwords) for programs and devices within which personal information is stored
  • Administrative safeguards through restricting access to personal information to those who require the information to carry out their professional responsibilities
  • Temporal safeguards to ensure that the College retains only the information it is required to in accordance with the College’s retention schedule.

Does the College store any data outside Canada?

No, information stored on the College’s website and operating systems are stored on servers within Canada.

How does the College ensure that the information it possesses is accurate?

Individuals have a right to access the information of which the College holds about them.  The College will grant access for individuals to review the information that the College possesses about them subject to certain specific exceptions, such as where the personal information of one individual reveals information about another or where the information is being collected as part of an investigation pursuant to the HPA.

The College makes every effort to ensure that our records are complete and accurate. This provision is limited by the dependence of the College on its regulated members to provide full and accurate information. Regulated members also have the right to request a correction of the information that the College possesses about them. The College will correct the information, as requested, as soon as reasonably possible, subject to legal limitations, given that the request is issued to the College in writing. All requests should be sent to the College, with sufficient information about the scope of the amendment. Requests, completed on the Correction Request Form (available on the member side of the College website), may be submitted to the College’s Privacy Officer.

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

To the extent that the College sends commercial electronic messages, the College only does so with consent in accordance with CASL.

Questions or concerns

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding privacy or confidentiality to the College’s Privacy Officer.  They may be reached at:

405, 10408 124 Street NW
Edmonton AB
T5N 1R5


This policy was last reviewed by Council in March 2023

College of Alberta Denturists
405, 10408 124 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5N 1R5

© 2025 College of Alberta Denturists