(780) 429-2330

Complaint Process

Prior to submitting a formal written complaint, we recommend that the patient or the patient’s representative start by reaching out to the College if there are concerns about a denturist or former denturist’s practice or conduct. Our goal is to foster a friendly and constructive dialogue, making it easier to address any issues. This dialogue will help the College determine whether it is within the authority of the College to act or if there is an opportunity to informally resolve the matter.  Effective communication often leads to quicker solutions.

Should a patient or their representative choose to submit a formal written complaint, using our online form (found at this link) or by separate submission, the Complaints Director will follow up with a call to discuss the issues at hand and advise on whether the College has the jurisdiction to handle the matter. If the matter falls within the College’s jurisdiction, it will be addressed in accordance with section 55 of the Health Professions Act. The Complaints Director has various options for resolution, including dismissing the complaint, conducting an investigation, suggesting an informal resolution, or, in some cases, referring the complaint to a hearing tribunal. Click the link below for the College’s flow chart for a better understanding of the process and the options available for the Complaints Director.

Professional Conduct Processes – Flow Chart

Regardless of the pathway chosen, we assure you that all actions taken by the Complaints Director are grounded in the principles of natural justice. All parties will always be treated fairly. We commit to keeping you updated at least every 60 days, and once we’ve gathered all the necessary information to make an informed decision, the Complaints Director will contact you to explain the next steps in the process.

Please note:

  • If the matter at hand involves seeking a refund, this is best dealt with directly through the denturist.
  • The College does not accept anonymous complaints, and the denturist or former denturist who is subject of the complaint will receive a copy of the information you provide.

P: 780.429.2330 or 1.844.380.1711
E: complaints@abdenturists.ca

College of Alberta Denturists
405, 10408 124 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5N 1R5

© 2025 College of Alberta Denturists