(780) 429-2330


As the College of Alberta Denturists monitors the current, ever-evolving pandemic situation, we will keep our members up to date with the information as it becomes available to us.  Denturists are highly trained healthcare professionals whose primary objective is providing the best patient care possible.

Providing Care in the Pandemic

A pandemic state is still in place around the globe and denturists strive to provide the most effective and safest care possible.  Guidance is still in place for denturists in the provision of care to their patients.

In deciding to proceed with a service, before treatment is provided, a denturist may still conduct a risk assessment that includes risk to the patient, the healthcare practitioner and the greater community.  Denturists are responsible to mitigate the risk of potential exposure of COVID-19 to all involved, especially since many denturist patients fall into the most vulnerable patient groups who are most susceptible to COVID-19 infection and experience the most dire COVID-19 related disease.

If risks are identified that cannot be immediately or sufficiently mitigated, it is advised that care be postponed.

Any care provided must be compliant with existing Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Standards and applicable legislation or the treatment must not be provided. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for all healthcare practitioners must be available before treatment can be initiated. Care must be provided with stringent infection prevention and control practices at the forefront of your mind. Resources are available on the Alberta Health website and from Alberta Health Services.

For those who are in self-isolation due to

  1. being symptomatic, or
  2. for other personal reasons

please remember that you must not practice at all, regardless of the nature of the patient considerations. Providing care while under this directive may be grounds for a complaint and suspension of your practice permit. Please refer care for an essential service to a denturist who is not currently isolated.  Please coordinate this possibility with your colleagues.

For the most up-to-date information, visit: alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the College.

College of Alberta Denturists
405, 10408 124 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5N 1R5

© 2025 College of Alberta Denturists